Good morning, up-state Georgetown (sound posh bit, kan?). J here, stating his most obvious mind about everything. Rumor has it a certain lonely boy is seeking attention from a certain community. Lonely boy is in need of attention and proceeds to get the limelight he certainly needs. Question for lonely boy. What is the difference between a confession and a brag-session? Last I check, confession can be described in such ways;
Whatever happened to her, Little Miss Crackwhore?
1. a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of crime
2. an admission or acknowledgement that one has done something that one is ashamed or embarrassed about.
3. a written or oral statement acknowledging guilt, made by one who has been accused or charged with an offense
4. to disclose (something damaging or inconvenient to oneself)
5. to disclose one's sins
So Lonely Boy, which category of confessions are you relating to? Perhaps, none? Careful lonely boy, you wouldn't want the circle to think of you as an AW [Attention Whore]. Speaking of being an AW, how do one spot an AW? Simple, bloganations. Here are some guidelines to know if you are an AW.
1. Loves name-dropping
* OMG, B! I was in a Vivienne Westwood's haute couture show!
2. Constant praising of one's self
* I am B, I rock
3. Constant repetition of others praising him/her
* S says I'm so totally in it to win it even I haven't so I'm like fetchin'~
4. Stating the obvious
* OMG S, I'm like so on a diet!
5. Stating the complete opposite of what the heart wants
*Sorry. You expect me, B to go on a date with you? Here's my number, call me.
6. Makes a big turn and ends up, oh whataya know? Self-praising.
* Totally looks good on you, S but you know what? Totally my type.
7. Reminding others about their past to show how good they are.
*I was like a whore and now...I just sleep with one guy. Effin' cool!
8. Self-reminders
*I may be like totally rich, gets invites and have Gossip Girl trailing me but I'm still lonely, boo-hoo.
9. Thinks of one's self as the saint of the world
*I'm B, no enemies. I make peace with everyone, namaste.
10. Whines and Moan about relationships
*I'm marrying Louie but I'm still missing Chuck and Chuck's the only one I've ever had since I was vagina-freedom.
There you go, few tips to spot an AW. Are you one of them AW? At times, AWs can be a form of entertainment and inspirations for us, the every-day people but if it the AWness overloads...all hell-tention break loose. Be-careful Lonely Boy, you wouldn't want to end up like the Kardashians, would you? Plus, you don't have the junk 'N trunk to back it up.
Being an AW is just a mask. All masks eventually have to come off, and with them so do the gloves. Looks like the Attention Whore season is just starting and is on a streak too. We all wear different masks for different reasons. Some masks we put on because it's truly who we want to be. Some we wear because we can't bear to face what's really underneath. Or because it's what someone else needs us to be. And some masks we wear because we hope to stay hidden. But that's the problem with wearing masks. They can be ripped off at any moment. XOXO - You-Know-Who
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