Monday, 7 January 2013


A world so populated with gays and while women thinks that gays are their best friend apart from diamonds (not that I don't agree), gays are also one of the most fucked up beings in the world. In the little circle of gays (I say little circle because most gays either fucked each other before or broke each other's heart before), there's 2 out of the many infamous gay app and website. They are called Planet Romeo and Grindr. These sites are social sites which gays use to hunt for 'food'. What sort of food? Food that comes in a 6 pack, ripped abs and things similar of that.

Every now and then, you will get a minority group of gays seeking a relationship in those sites but it will never last. Most of the time, before they even start a relationship, things has already gone sour or they would ask you to wait as they have some baggage to clear. Baggage will always be baggage. Speaking of wait, just wanna share some types of WAITING thingy that gays does.

  • You have the 'WAIT FOR ME, I'M NOT READY'; he will ask you to wait for him until he is ready for a relationship. Why is he not ready? He would probably tell you that he got some issues but he can't tell you.
  • Then there's the 'WAIT FOR ME IF YOU WANT BUT I CAN'T PROMISE ANYTHING'; promises are meant to be broken, especially in this circle. This is a typical gay asking you to wait for him but he is also telling you that he might not be interested in you once he's moved on. 
  • Next, the 'WAIT FOR ME TO MOVE ON BUT I DON'T KNOW WHEN'; this is a gay asking you to hang around in a limbo. It is a typical case of him having gone through a recent break up and he is trying to get over the other person but he can't exactly tell you when but it is true, you don't know when but there are fools who would wait.
  • The 'LET ME MOVE ON BUT I HAVE THINGS GOING ON'; this is him trying to tell you that he has other dramas around him so he can't accept you. Hey, who don't have dramas going on in their life? Even Jesus had issues growing up.
  • Now, we have the 'WAIT, LET ME MOVE ON BUT I AM NOT SURE WHAT I WANT'; he is saying once he has moved on, he might not want you after all.
Though sometimes when a person has moved on, he would have found himself a new beau and you'll never know until you bump into them. So, gays are pretty much very very fucked up the moment the decide to be a gay. I am too, so cheers to that. LUST comes before LOVE in the case of the gay-nation.

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